The first Air unit was established on May 5th, 1948 under the Department of Internal Security, which was also the foundation of an independent air force. The Air unit firstly acquired ten L-4 Grasshoppers from the U.S. on September 4th, 1948, becoming the first military organization to own aircraft.
When Organization Act of National Armed Forces was legislated on November, 1948, Army and Navy were properly established while the Air Force got nothing but a promise of independence afterwards(Organization Act of National Armed forces no. 23). After stressing the need of the Air Force establishment in an accordance with continuous advance in aviation industry, the Republic of Korea Air Force as an independent service came to birth by Presidential decree no. 254(organization of Air Force Head Quarters ) on the first of October, 1949, with only 1,600 troops and 20 L-4s.
Short lived was the joy of independence, as the Korean War broke out. Even though the ROKAF had only 1,890 troops and possessed just 22 light aircraft(L-4/5, T-6), it demonstrated its potentials superbly throughout the war. Right after the war broke out, our pilots flew to Japan. In less than a month after only one single training flight, they were ready for air combat operations with ten F-51 Mustangs acquired from U.S. Forces. Under the motto, "Fight, on the other hand, construct", the ROKAF possessed one fighter wing, three fighter squadrons, and 110 aircraft including 79 fighter-bombers at the time armistice was made, but still lacked of operation support and education systems. Accordingly, until the end of the 1950s, the ROKAF made utmost efforts to develop support infrastructure, by moving the Air Force Headquarters to Seoul, establishing the Air Force Academy, modernizing aircraft maintenance depots, and opened a new jet era with the introduction of F-86F fighters and T-33 trainers. Also, we secured the air transport capability and established Air Route Security Wing and introduced air warning & control system, which were essential parts of air defense and control abilities, in order to develop into key power of the Korean military.
Date | History |
1951. 08. 01. | Air Force Group was reformed to become the 1st Fighter Wing. |
1953. 02. 15. | The 10th Fighter Wing was founded. |
1954. 11. 28. | Suwon base(K-13) was taken over. |
1956. 07. 03. | Air Force Headquarters moved to Daebang-dong, Seoul(completion of new office building) |
1956. 07. 15. | Air University was established. |
1957. 11. 15. | Air Force Air Route Traffic Control Depot was founded. |
1958. 08. 01. | The 11th Fighter Wing was founded. |
1958. 12. 12. | Air Force Acadmey transferred from Jinhae to Seoul. |
In the 1950's, the ROKAF focused on acquiring the basic competency for autonomous defense of territorial airspace. The ROKAF went under a qualitative growth in the 1960's because of the introduction of assets, such as F-86D all-weather interceptor, F-5A fighter, and F-4D bombers. The expansion of aviation operation abilities concentrated on building air defense control facilities and new air bases, while Air Force Operations Command was constructed to develop efficient ways to control and direct air operations. Moreover, the new construction of base security systems and emergency runways ensured wartime sustainability. It was in 1960's that the international status of the ROKAF had risen. As the ROK Armed Forces were deployed in Vietnam, Air Force carried out long range airlift between Korea and Vietnam and helped airlift operations inside Vietnam. Such forward air control operations improved air ground joint operation system a step further.
Date | History |
1969. 01. 01. | Air Force Chief of Staff was upgraded to the rank of general. |
1966. 07. 12. | Air Depot Command was disbanded and Logistics Command was founded. |
1963. 09. 10. | The 30th Air Defense and Control Wing was founded. |
1961. 07. 01. | Air Force Operation Command was founded. |
During the 1970's when the collapse of Vietnam in the Vietnam War and the subsequent change of U.S. foreign policy resulted in emergence of more volatile international order, North Korea posed an increasing threat to South Korea. Our government, faced with such a security issue, made more efforts to bolster Air Forces, which was comparatively less equipped than North Korea. Such issues urged the government to spare no expense to introduce F-4E and F-5E/F tactical fighters and support S-2A the maritime patrol aircraft and C-123 carriers. The importation of T-41 basic trainers and T-37 intermediate trainers enhanced flight training system one step further. At the same time, as a part on strengthening initiative, Yecheon and Cheongju air bases were constructed. Air Force Education and Training Command and the second Military Academy were also founded for the purpose of more man power.
Date | History |
1971. 02. 05. | Air Force Technical High School was founded. |
1973. 04. 10. | Air Force Education & Training Command was founded. |
1975. 12. 01. | The second Air Force Aemy was founded. |
1978. 09. 01. | The 17th Tactical Air Control Wing was founded. |
1979. 08. 01. | The 8th Tactical Air Control Wing was founded. |
In the 1980s, the ROKAF needed to strengthen forces deployed against North Korea and respond to the rapidly changing situation after the Cold War. So, we took strong measures for quality aircraft improvements, such as the production of Korean manufactured JeGongho(F-5E/F) and the introduction of F-16 fighters and C-130 carriers. On the other hand, the advance of automatic air defense control system and establishment of Korean Combat Operations Information Center made airmen possible to rapidly seize air superiority in a national emergency and support ground and naval operations during war. In 1988, as part of the Armed Forces Olympics Supporting Team, we contributed in successful hosting of the Olympics.
Furthermore, we moved our main bodies to new sites. Air Force Headquarters was relocated to Gyeryongdae, Air Force Academy to Cheongju, and the Air Force Education and Training Command moved over to Jinju, laying the major groundwork for our improvement.
Date | History |
1980. 10. 01. | Air Force Operations Command established Tactical Air Control Center(TACC). |
1985. 12. 21.. | Air Force Acadmemy transferred from Seoul to Cheongwon. |
1988. 11. 01. | Air Training Command trasferred from Daegjon to Jinju. |
1988. 11. 01. | The 88th Air Defense Artillery Group was founded. |
1989. 07. 18. | Air Force Headquarters moved to Gyeryongdae. |
The Republic of Korea Air Force not only continued to fulfill its role as the key element of national defense, but also set the foundation to grow into aerospace forces in the 1990s. The participation in the Gulf War in January 1991 displayed our global operability and assistance in deployment of reaching wherever peacekeepers were needed, thus elevated our international status. Moreover, after establishing Air Defense Artillery Command, the Air Force were able to control and operate aircraft, artillery, and radar, the three key systems of airpower. The production and deployment of KF-16 fighters, and the introduction of multipurpose carriers(CN-255) and HH-47 helicopters balanced airpower by strengthening vulnerabilities. Especially Air Force Academy was the first Korean military academy to grant admission for female students, starting to cultivate future female officers who would lead the next century of ROKAF.
Date | History |
1990. 12. 20. | Aerial Combat Development Group/Aerospace Project Group was founded. |
1991. 02. 12.. | The 56th Airlift Wing(Bima unit) was founded. |
1991. 07. 01. | Air Defense Artillery Command was founded. |
1996. 10. 21. | Seoul Air Show was taken place. |
1997. 03. 03. | The frist female cadet entered Air Force Academy(class of 49). |
1999. 04. 01. | The 239th Special Flight Group(Black Eagle) was founded. |
The ROKAF's vision toward the 21st century was developing the aero space forces that can ensure national interest and security by utilizing air, space, and intelligence elements. While reinforcing the concept of strategic battle management, we are endeavoring to introduce intelligence based precision-strike weapon system to approach the goal. As such, we introduced F-15K, put domestically developed trainers(KT-1, T-50) in practice, and fielded Patriot-guided weapon system. Also, we made changes in composition reflecting the advent of the information era and cultivated creative and intelligent airmen for the future battle environment including the first female fighter pilot. Furthermore, we established and proclaimed the core-value of ROKAF: Challenge, Commitment, Professionalism, Teamwork. We expect our airmen to show highly strategical responsive ability that are needed for national security and simultaneously conduct such operations as disaster relief, public welfare service, and international peace keeping activity in the 21st century. The ROKAF played the leading role in enhancing national interests.
Date | History |
2001. 12. 18. | The 57th Airlifth Wing(Cheongma unit) was founded. |
2003. 07. 01. | Air Force Southern Comabt Command was established. |
2004. 08. 30. | The 58th Airlift Wing(Dayman) was founded. |
2008. 07. 03. | Republic of Korea Air Force declared Pilot's day. |
The Air Force of the 2010s devoted in advancing aerospace technology and independent operating ability, as a part of preparing for the future change of strategic situations. Fielding TA-50 and FA-50, both indigenous supersonic aircraft, and introducing AWACS(Airborne Warning and Control System) E-737 Peace Eye, strengthened our 24-hour national security system. We also introduced KC-330, Cygnus, an aerial refueling aircraft, and F-35A stealth fighter in order to improve long-range operation capacity. Taurus, a long range ballistic missile, was fielded to prepare for North Korea's nuclear weapons and missile threats, and the Patriot(PAC-3) was fielded for the defense of our capital city and main military facilities.
During this decade, the ROKAF went through a constructional reform from Northern, and Southern Battle Command, a regionally divided system, into 'Air Combat' and 'Mobility and Reconnaissance' Command, which was sorted by a technical criteria in order to efficiently carry out aerial operations with a centralized control system. Increasing cyber threats through our network lead to establishing 'Cyber Protection Center', which specializes in cyber protection.
Date | History |
2010. 12. 27. | Air Force Northern Combat Command was founded. |
2010. 12. 27. | The 51th Air Control Fighter Squadron was founded. |
2011. 01. 03. | Non-weapon System Corp.(name change from Flight Power Support System Corp.) was founded. |
2012. 01. 02. | Air Force Weather Wing(the 732 weather group break up) was founded. |
2012. 01. 31. | After the formation of Air Force Finanace & Accounting Corps is deactivated, the Financial Management Corps is founded. |
2013. 01. 01. | The 15the Composite Wing changed name into the Special Missions Wing Korea National University of Transportation established Air Force ROTC(Reserve Officers' Training Corps) |
2013. 04. 01. | The 53rd Special Flight Group was founded. |
2014. 12. 01. | Establishment of Aviation Safety Agency(Aviation Safety Management Agency + Aviation Standard Wing) |
2015. 12. 01. | Establishment of Tactical Air control Wing(release of 36th Tactical Air Control Group, now Air Support Operations Wing) |
2016. 07. 01. | Establishment of Cyber Protection Center |
2017. 12. 01. | Establishment of Air Intelligence Wing(before, 37th Air Intelligence Group) |
2019. 09. 01. | Establishment of Satellite Surveillance Control Unit, AFOC(Air Force Operations Command) |